Eight hundred Tyrolean pupils taken to song contest
The ‘children’s police’ –
a successful prevention project
Many young people dream of ex-
periencing the world’s biggest
musical event – with around 200
million TV viewers each year –
live. The Raiffeisen Club Tirol
made this dream come true for
800 school pupils. In conjunction
with broadcasters ORF, ÖBB and
the Tyrolean education authority,
invitations to the creative Building
Bridges competition had been
sent to them. In all, 52,000 chil-
dren and adolescents aged be-
tween 10 and 14 – in other words
2,400 Tyrolean school classes
– were eligible to take part. The
800 winners travelled to Vienna
for the Eurovision Song Contest’s
Youth Show.
Dangers are lurking on the way to school, in
the playground and in many other places.
Time and again, children are involved in ac-
cidents in road traffic or during their free time
or get into dangerous situations. In order to
sensitise children, train together and mini-
mise risks, and to introduce the police as role
models and confidants deserving of trust, the
local branch of the advisory board for a safe
Austria (KSÖ-Landesklub Tirol) and the Ty-
rolean regional police authority, in conjunc-
tion with the Tyrolean Raiffeisen banks and
other partners, launched the district tour ‘133
children’s police’ with concerts by Bluatsch-
ink. The stations were Breitenwang, Landeck,
Imst, Wörgl, Kitzbühel and Lienz. As part of
the final event at Innsbruck’s main railway
station, the commitment shown by the chil-
dren’s police officers was honoured with the
appropriate award.
Photo: Young children’s police officers with
regional chief of police and KSÖ president
Helmut Tomac (front) and the partners; back
row standing, left to right: AK president Hel-
mut Zangerl, authorised representative Armin
Singer (Tiroler Versicherung), Thomas Wass
(Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG), Christian
Pappes (Postbus), Andreas Walcher (ÖBB),
regional school board member Ingrid Handle
and group inspector Michael Farbmacher
together with mascots Tommibär and
With the help of the Tyrolean Raiffeisen banks,
more than
4,000 new chil-
dren’s police officers
were appointed to the ‘service’ in the
2014/2015 school year.