Another highlight:
the New Orleans Festival
RLB art prizewinner held exhibition at the Ferdinandeum
Last year, the main RLB art prize was awarded to
Michael Strasser. The prize is accompanied by an
exhibition in a museum context: in 2015, the Ty-
rolean state-run museum Ferdinandeum showed
the prizewinner’s works under the title
Strasser. Die Freiheit
Photo: Curator Dr Günther Dankl; Dr Wolfgang
Meighörner, director and general manager of the
Tyrolean state-run museums; Michael Strass-
er, winner of the Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG
art prize 2014; Silvia Höller, head of RLB Kunst-
brücke Innsbruck; and Thomas Wass, Raiffei-
sen-Landesbank Tirol AG (left to right).
On the occasion of the 17th New Orleans Festival in Innsbruck, Raif-
feisen-Landesbank Tirol AG, UNIQA and Innsbrucker Stadtmarket-
ing sent out invitations to the exclusive warm-up at the Zeug-
haus in Innsbruck. Star guest Chucky C. thrilled more than 600
guests with world-class music. As a special surprise, he received
a gift in the form of a picture created by the Tyrolean graphic art-
ist Linda Kleinheinz. ‘Chucky has done so much for this festival.
He deserves much of the credit for the fact that it turned out so
well. We wanted to give him something personal. As an expression
of the bond between us and our truly excellent partnership with
the New Orleans Festival,’ said Dr Hannes Schmid. When asked
whether he liked it, Chucky said: ‘It’s really marvellous and I’m de-
lighted with it. I know exactly where I’m going to hang it up. I’m go-
ing to completely clear an entire wall at home and then hang only
this picture on it.’ Great artists, of course, have a tendency to be
somewhat over the top. Be that as it may, his pleasure at receiving
the picture was honest and genuine. Whether the wall was really
cleared of everything else remains a secret.
Photo: Chucky C., ‘The King of Feelgood’ (second from right),
took pleasure in his gift with a personal touch. On the occasion of
the sponsors’ night at the Zeughaus, the two management board
members at Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG, Reinhard Mayr and
Dr Hannes Schmid (left to right), presented the exceptional artist
with a picture that shows him playing a saxophone in front of the
Inn promenade. This is exactly as Innsbruck knows him. Likewise
pleased that Chucky will be back in the regional capital in four
years’ time is Markus Linder, the festival’s creative director (right).