Two galleries for
Tyrolean art
RLB Kunstbrücke, Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG’s art gallery
located in Adamgasse in Innsbruck, and the RLB Atelier at our
Lienz branch in East Tyrol are both devoted primarily to Tyrolean
artists. The exhibitions in 2015 attracted more than 2,500 art en-
thusiasts: RLB Kunstbrücke showed panel paintings, drawings
and objects, as well as installations by Anna-Maria Bogner and
Esther Stocker, and provided insights into the STRABAG Artcol-
lection, from which works by award winners of all kinds from 20
years of STRABAG Artaward were shown in an exhibition for the
first time. In the RLB Atelier, the South Tyrolean artist Gabriela
Oberkofler and the native East Tyrolean artist Annelies Senfter
held exhibitions of their work. In addition to that, the RLB Ate-
lier devoted an exhibition to the Innsbruck-based painter Gerhild
Diesner, who would have been 100 years old in 2015.
In 2015, Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol
AG’s collection contained
– almost all of them by
Tyrolean artists. Incidentally, the first
work was acquired in 1959.