Standing ovations for
‘Erbschleicher’ in Telfs
Taking early music
to the people
At the Tiroler Volksschauspielen Telfs theatre, everything in
2015 revolved around money and the quickest, best and sim-
plest ways of acquiring it – albeit with methods that are far from
customary in the banking industry. Five hundred customers
and friends of Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG, Raiffeisen-Re-
gionalbank Telfs eGen and UNIQA experienced a cheerful, wit-
ty and charming theatrical evening at the premiere of
– Dance of the Legacy Hunters
, featuring the brilliant German
theatre and TV star Michael Roll and the popular theatre direc-
tor Markus Völlenklee in the main roles. At the end of the perfor-
mance, there were standing ovations and applause lasting min-
utes for the ensemble and the show’s creators. After the show,
many guests took advantage of the opportunity to chat to the
performers in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere and to get
themselves an autograph or two.
Photo (back, left to right): Christian Härting (mayor of Telfs), An-
dreas Wolf (chairman of Raiffeisen-Regionalbank Telfs eGen),
Dr Hannes Schmid (chairman of Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol
AG), UNIQA regional director Diego Reichstamm, Wolfgang
Dirnberger (board member at Raiffeisen-Regionalbank Telfs
eGen); second row, left to right: regional administrator Dr Beate
Palfrader, Silvia Wechselberger (theatre director at Volks-
schauspiele Telfs); front, left to right: theatre and TV star Mi-
chael Roll and popular theatrical director Markus Völlenklee.
As a long-standing partner of Innsbruck’s festival weeks for early
music, Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG contributes to the musical
diversity in our region every year and makes early music accessi-
ble to many people. One example of this is the first Concerto Mo-
bile, with which the 2015 festival weeks were given a new format:
in best street-theatre style, the passers-by and tourists in Innsbruck
were invited to concerts in public spaces all over town. They were
well and truly enchanted by the baroque music – which has been
an impressive success in reaching people with early music and
brightening up their day-to-day lives by musical means.
Apart from that, around 130 invited guests experienced an exclu-
sive ‘Dido Session’ in the Tiroler Landestheater. On this evening,
the Austrian soprano Nina Bernsteiner and the Italian jazz pia-
nist Stefano Bollani showed impressively, with the help of various
works by the composer Henry Purcell, that baroque music and
jazz can be blended well – even though these genres are sepa-
rated by centuries. Before the concert began, the guests had the
unique opportunity to be introduced to this out-of-the-ordinary con-
cert evening by Nina Bernsteiner personally. The perfect ambiance
for this was provided by the cloisters of the Museum of Tyrolean
Regional Heritage.
Photo (left to right): Reinhard Mayr (management board member
at Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG), lutenist André Henrich (with
a theorbo), soprano singer Nina Bernsteiner, Dr Hannes Schmid
(chairman of Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG) and Markus Korselt
(general manager of the Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik