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Having fun getting to know the world of securities

45th International

Raiffeisen Youth Competition

The participants in the Raiffeisen stock exchange game ‘School In-

vestor 2015’ experienced six fascinating months. Aside from en-

joyment of the game itself, the subject of financial education was

very much to the fore. Raiffeisen Club Tirol helped the pupils to

learn about handling money and securities responsibly and to fa-

miliarise themselves with the possibilities of the capital market as

well as shares, funds and certificates. Equipped with notional capi-

tal amounting to 40,000 euros, the pupils were able to buy and sell

securities of all kinds while measuring themselves against other

schools all over Austria. The pupils all agreed: ‘It is fascinating how

quickly the markets move and, most of all, how quickly you have

to make decisions. In a matter of seconds you can lose or earn a

lot of money.’ The 4a class from NMS Matrei am Brenner, 1BK from

BHAK Wörgl and 4D from BHAK Innsbruck (in the photo with su-

pervising teacher, Brigitta Obholzer, and authorised representa-

tive Manfred Miglar, director of private and corporate customers at

Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG) had the best feeling for securities

and occupied the first three places in the Tyrolean regional assess-


‘Always mobile, always online: what moves you?’ was the theme of the

45th International Raiffeisen Youth Competition. Around 20,000 drawings

were submitted in Tyrol alone. The best were honoured personally at the

regional final by the ace climbers Anna Stöhr and Jakob Schubert in the

Metropol cinema in Innsbruck.

The International Raiffeisen Youth Competition fosters creativity, encourag-

es youngsters to take an interest in current topics and is the biggest com-

petition of its type in the world. It is carried out from the first primary school

class to the upper school and has been established for many years.

Photo: The first-place winners with Christine Hofer (manager of Raiffeisen

Club Tirol) and ace climbers Anna Stöhr and Jakob Schubert.

‘School Investor 2015’ was partici-

pated in by



and teachers

from all over Austria.

In 2015, more than



of all participants

achieved a positive result. Ten pupils

even managed to double the value of

their initial stake.


11,500 quiz sheets


20,000 drawings

were re-

ceived at 70 participating Tyrolean Raiffeisen banks

on the occasion of the 45th International Raiffeisen

Youth Competition.



children and


came to Innsbruck for the

closing event.