Greatest honour in the Tyrolean region
Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG has been allowed to carry the Ty-
rol region’s coat of arms since 2015. The bestowal of the Tyrolean
coat of arms by a unanimous vote of the Tyrolean regional govern-
ment is a sign of special appreciation for Raiffeisen’s commercial
and socio-economic significance in Tyrol: Raiffeisen-Landesbank
Tirol AG has existed for decades, is commercially successful, is cri-
sis-proof and one of Innsbruck’s biggest non-public employers,
shows compassion and a sense of perspective as an employer –
especially in the training of young people – takes on responsibil-
ity for Tyrol as a significant sponsor of social, educational, sport-
ing, artistic and cultural activities, and guarantees investment in
Tyrol because it provides funds so that our region can enjoy further
growth. These are just a few of the criteria that provincial governor
Funds totalling more than
million euros
are pro-
vided by Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol
AG and the 73 Tyrolean Raiffeisen
banks yearly for educational, sport,
social, artistic and cultural purposes
in our region.
No credit crunch: in 2015, Raiffei-
sen-Landesbank Tirol AG made new
loans amounting to
million euros
to Tyrolean business enterprises.
Thanks to thermal restoration, resource
preservation and alternative energy, the
Raiffeisen Banking Group Tyrol is able to
save around
260 tonnes
greenhouse gas emissions per year.
Günther Platter mentioned when he presented the deed, the great-
est honour for a Tyrolean business enterprise, to the management
board members Dr Hannes Schmid and Reinhard Mayr at the tra-
ditional Advent celebrations. Something else he appreciates about
Raiffeisen is the regional proximity to Tyroleans. The reason? ‘Trust
always requires a face. And our Raiffeisen-Landesbank has a face
like that because it embodies familiarity with customers,’ says Mr
Platter with conviction.
Photo: Provincial governor Günther Platter (centre) presenting Raif-
feisen-Landesbank Tirol AG’s management board members Rein-
hard Mayr (left) and Dr Hannes Schmid with the Tyrolean coat of
The rating with a difference:
our ecological footprint
Man-made climate change is one of the biggest global challeng-
es. Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG, too, is helping to protect our
home region in a sustainable way and preserve it for the next gen-
erations. That is why, in our everyday business and beyond, we
are acting in accordance with the spirit of Friedrich Wilhelm Raif-
feisen by continuing to uphold the principles that he exemplified in
the 19th century. His life was shaped by altruistic responsibility for
others and the basic values of self-help, solidarity and sustainabili-
ty. That is why the Raiffeisen Banking Group has made the ecolog-
ical footprint left behind by the Austrian Raiffeisen Banking Group
transparent in all of its dimensions as part of its ‘eco balance
sheet’, which was published for the first time in 2015. It reveals that
the Austrian Raiffeisen Banking Group, with 8,010 kilowatt hours
per employee, has around 19 per cent less energy consumption
than the average in the Austrian service sector, which came to
9,870 kilowatt hours per employee. And thanks to thermal renova-
tions, investments
in alternative
mobility such
as electric bi-
cycles or nat-
ered cars and
ing measures such as switching to LED lighting systems, the Raif-
feisen Banking Group Tyrol is saving around 260 tonnes of green-
house gas emissions per year. This is equivalent to the average
annual consumption of electricity of 350 households. The effect
achieved by the Raiffeisen Banking Group Tyrol’s granting of en-
vironmentally friendly financing plans to customers is far greater
than that achieved with internal investments because of the con-
siderably higher sum involved.