What we do differently – for more than 400 employees
The high level of employee satisfaction at Raiffeisen-Landesbank
Tirol AG finds expression in extremely long service records and a
low staff fluctuation rate: the employees’ average service record
as of 2015 was 14.3 years. The main reasons for this are the pre-
vailing work–life balance and flexibility in the workplace. Be it in
advising, marketing, personnel management, IT or classic bank-
ing areas, Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG offers all of its employ-
ees variable working-time models and part-time work. In this way,
it also contributes to the compatibility of work and family or stud-
In addition, Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG assumes the costs for
its employees’ annual VVT local public transport tickets and offers
them extensive occupational training, ongoing education and ca-
reer opportunities, a gym, health-promoting talks and courses, an
in-house cafeteria and other attractive social benefits. The overall
package with which Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG demonstrates
responsibility for its more than 400 employees is making the re-
gion’s biggest Raiffeisen bank one of the most attractive employ-
ers in Tyrol. Several awards confirm that all of the above are not just
empty promises: Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG can boast
• The “audit berufundfamilie” quality seal,
• The most family-friendly employer of 2015 quality seal (third
• The workplace health promotion quality seal,
• The outstanding training organisation in Tyrol quality seal and
• The fire-service-friendly employer quality seal,
• Winning the ÖBB companies’ contest in 2015 and
• Permission to wear the Tyrolean state coat of arms.
In 2015, there were
ly adapted, needs-oriented
time working
Balanced: in June 2015, employ-
ees at Raiffeisen-Landesbank Ti-
rol AG were
50.77 per
cent women
49.23 per cent
In 2015, we invested some
1,550 days
in occupational
training and ongoing education for
our employees.
In total,
297 employees
have attended at least one health-
promoting lecture or course within
the scope of RLB Vital.
We paid approximately
million euros
into the
Austrian social security system for our
employees in 2015.
In 2015, each employee completed an
average of
four training