We are making an impact
for young people
Commitment to financial
education honoured in-
Almost 2,000 visitors at
Raiffeisen Sumsi day in the Alpenzoo
Financial education – or communicating to young people the
value of responsibility in their handling of money has always
been a matter close to the Tyrolean Raiffeisen banks’ collec-
tive heart. This commitment was rewarded in 2015: for the fifth
time, TeamBank AG awarded the financial education prize.
With their cooperation as part of the CURE Runners project,
Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG and Three Coins occupied an
excellent second place among 555 participating cooperative
banks in Germany and Austria.
The mobile-phone game project CURE Runners, which was
developed by Three Coins, the innovation generator for finan-
cial competence, trains adolescents to keep track of their fi-
nances, to make all of their consumption and investment de-
cisions in line with sustainability principles, and ultimately to
achieve their savings objectives. Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol
AG made it possible for Innsbruck school classes to take part
in the financial competence workshops. In these, the decisions
made in the game are referred to and discussed.
At the awards ceremony (right to left): Eva-Bettina Gruber
(head of operations, Three Coins), Katharina Norden, (man-
aging director, Three Coins) Christian Bevelander (head of
Raiffeisen communication), Dr Hannes Schmid (chairman of
Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG), Dr Christiane Decker (man-
agement board member at TeamBank) and Katharina Fesl
(Raiffeisen communication).
Building their own bee hotel, making wax can-
dles, watching honey being extracted or tast-
ing different types of honey. At the eighth Raif-
feisen Sumsi day in the Alpenzoo, it was all
about the bees and their helpers once again.
Almost 2,000 visitors enjoyed a fascinating
and informative day. At a variety of stations,
they marvelled at the way bees contribute to
the basis of human existence and to an intact
The primary objective of Raiffeisen and Inns-
bruck’s Alpenzoo in staging Sumsi Day was to
make people more conscious of the bees’ sig-
nificance and of the need to protect them. Fur-
thermore, Raiffeisen is sponsor of the Alpen-
zoo’s beehive for the entire year.
Out of a total of 555 participating coopera-
tive banks, Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG
and Three Coins, with their project CURE
Runners took
second place