Employees work in a voluntary capacity
idea helped
sick twins
At a flea market held on Tyrol Volunteer Day for the
benefit of the Tiroler Sozialmarkt, a grocery store for the
needy, Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG employees sold
more than 630 good items for a good cause. Their help
is therefore worth double: TISO’s customers were able
to acquire low-priced bargains while the proceeds of
1,500 euros went to the Tiroler Sozialmarkt.
The raffling of the small pink house famil-
iar from the TV advertisements featuring Her-
mann Maier was a spontaneous idea that de-
veloped at the Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG
Igls branch summer party. The aim was to help
the Tyrolean twins Leni and Tobi (seven years
old and from Igls). Both are severely physical-
ly handicapped, but mentally fit and full of hu-
mour and
joie de vivre
. But the children need
an expensive special computer with software
that is tailored individually to the abilities of
both children. Raffle tickets bought by custom-
ers raised 755 euros. Raiffeisen-Landesbank Ti-
rol AG rounded this amount up to 1,000 euros –
much to the delight of Leni and Tobi.
Left to right: Toni Hafele (Sozialverein Igls) and
Thomas Elzenbaumer (Igls branch manager).
Employees of Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol
AG and the Tyrolean Raiffeisen banks con-
tribute some
volunteer hours
per year
in clubs and societies.