Regional. Digital. Accessible.
working@Raiffeisen – the new information platform
The Raiffeisen Banking Group’s answer to technological change, changed custom-
er behaviour and the needs of our customers is ‘Regional. Digital. Accessible.’ We
are convinced that personal advice will remain the centrepiece of our service spec-
trum in the future. Customers, however, should be able to decide for themselves
when and how they make contact with us. After all, we are there for them across the
whole range of channels as their digital regional bank. We focus on high-quality ad-
vice on complex topics such as financing, pensions and securities, with the advis-
ers integrating digital media into their advisory activities. In this way, we shall contin-
ue to be more than just a bank.
‘Raiffeisen kompakt’ and the tourism magazine
are also available as online
magazines. Apart from that, we inform our corporate customers on a quarterly basis
by way of an email newsletter about current developments and facts worth knowing
in the commercial world.
In November, the Raiffeisen Banking Group Tyrol received a new web-
based knowledge and information platform by means of which the infor-
mation within Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG as well as that from Raif-
feisen-Landesbank Tirol AG, Raiffeisenverband Tirol and GRZ IT Center
GmbH concerning the Tyrolean Raiffeisen banks can be communicated
in a user-friendlier, more structured and more target-group-specific way.
An improved search function and the consolidation of all information on
a single platform save additional time.
With 74 independent banks and
246 branches in 2015, Raiffeisen
had the
branch network
in Tyrol. And that is not going to
44per cent
ELBA-internet users also work
with ELBA-mobil.
Since September 2015,
bankomat cards
from Raiffeisen-Landesbank
have been Tirol AG NFC-enabled.
In December 2015,
one in seven
POS transactions
was paid for
by customers of Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG at
home and abroad
by contactless
Since October 2015, Raiffeisen cus-
tomers have been able to use their
to make secure,
contactless payments
simply, quickly and with the digital bankomat card.
at all
74 Tyrolean Raiffeisen banks use the new
information platform, which is supervised by