New technologies, new
paths, new approaches
At the first Raiffeisen innovation day in Tyrol, future trends and
challenges were discussed in detail because the demands being
made on banks with regard to customer orientation, innovation,
agility and efficiency are requiring the development and applica-
tion of new organisational and technological methods and solu-
tions. Following a keynote speech by deputy chairman Dr Georg
Kraft-Kinz on the subject of the multichannel strategy at Raiffeisen-
landesbank Niederösterreich-Wien, the new Raiffeisen bank’s 2020
business model was presented. ‘Innovative capacity and flexibil-
ity that are truly lived constitute the basis of long-term success-
ful growth. The Tyrolean Raiffeisen banks are well equipped for the
future,’ declared Dr Hannes Schmid, chairman of the Raiffeisen
Banking Group Tyrol, with conviction.
Picture below: Taking an optimistic view of the Raiffeisen sector’s
future (left to right): Dr Hannes Schmid (chairman of the Raiffeisen
Banking Group Tyrol), Dr Georg Kraft-Kinz (Raiffeisenlandesbank
Niederösterreich-Wien) and Reinhard Mayr (management board
member at Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG).
We are making an
innovative impact
of Tyrolean
Raiffeisen banks who attended the
first Raiffeisen innovation day in Ty-
rol concerned themselves intensive-
ly with possible future developments
and challenges facing banks.