Fascinating: magic
of the highest order
Superb cabaret delighted 600 customers
Ben Hyven, shooting star on the German-language
magic scene, thrilled around 120 young custom-
ers at the Magic Cocktail Night held in Raiffei-
sen-Landesbank Tirol AG’s Adamgasse branch.
They experienced the incredibly charming and in-
genious native of Tyrol and his impressive sleight
of hand close-up. That evening there was plen-
ty to talk about. And there were also quizzical fac-
es that were unable to fathom how Ben Hyven does
all that.
A total of 600 customers accepted the invitation from Raiffei-
sen-Landesbank Tirol AG and spent an evening with one of Aus-
tria’s most popular cabaret artists – who has a very special
relationship with Tyrol. Andreas Vitasek has been playing his pre-
mieres and previews in Tyrol since the mid-1980s. He has lots of
friends and acquaintances here, which is why he likes visiting our
federal state very much. This time, he delighted those present with
his twelfth one-man show ‘Sekundenschlaf’ (microsleep). And al-
though Mr Vitasek was a constant source of entertainment on
stage on the subject of nodding off momentarily in real life, sleep
was naturally the last thing the 600 visitors at the Congress Inns-
bruck would have thought about, even for a moment. A lot of hu-
mour was also shown by Dr Hannes Schmid, chairman of Raiffei-
sen-Landesbank Tirol AG, when the Vienna-born cabaret star took
a closer look at the world of banking and especially his own ‘local
Photo (left to right): Authorised representative Manfred Miglar (di-
rector of private and corporate customers at Raiffeisen-Landes-
bank Tirol AG), cabaret artist Andreas Vitasek and the manage-
ment board members at Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG, Dr
Hannes Schmid and Reinhard Mayr.