Management report
With regard to the return on investment, we refer to the disclosure
in the notes pursuant to section 64 (1), line 19 of the BWG.
The supervisory authority stipulated that the key performance in-
dicators LCR and NSFR were not to be used until 1 January 2015,
hence the absence of figures for the previous year.
Capital ratio*
Return on equity*
Net margin*
Cost–income ratio*
Financial performance indicators
* Imputable regulatory capital/tax base × 100
* Operating expenses/operating income
* Profit from ordinary activities/mean equity
* Operating profit IV/mean balance sheet total
Non-financial performance indicators
Digital regional bank
Unlike a major international bank, Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG
is active within the region. We ‘live’ a trustful and confidential advi-
sory approach at local level and from person to person. This is ap-
preciated by our private, commercial and corporate customers, all
the more so in these troubled economic times, because they put a
great deal of trust in this bank that they know and in the employees
with whom they can work together on an equal footing and in a
spirit of partnership. At the same time, we are expanding our multi-
channel strategy so that we can offer our customers quick, simple
and convenient possibilities for contact and advice. The digital of-
fering complements our handshake-like quality precisely where it
offers our customers added value. We are certain of one thing: we
shall remain committed to the region and shall ensure, as before,
that the money our customers entrust us with remains in the region
and that we are familiar with the people to whom we grant loans.
This is our contribution to the ongoing development of our region.
Responsibility for more than 400 employees
Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG goes to considerable lengths to pro-
vide its employees with an optimal working environment. It gives
due consideration to the reconciliation of working and family life and
promoting occupational health and safety. This means, for example,
that employees can choose from a broad range of courses and talks
within the scope of the in-house health scheme RLB Vital. Individu-
al career paths, too, are encouraged at both specialist and manage-
ment level. In conjunction with the Tyrolean Raiffeisen banks, more-
over, Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG attaches great importance to
the high-quality training of apprentices. Numerous awards confirm
that these are more than just empty words: Raiffeisen-Landesbank
Tirol AG possesses the quality seals “audit berufundfamilie”, most
family-friendly employer of 2015 (third place), workplace health pro-
motion and outstanding training organisation in Tyrol.
In the financial year 2015 (2014), the bank employed an average of
331.7 (362.3) white-collar staff and 9.9 (11.5) blue-collar staff.
Tyrolean companies’ competition won with environmental
At Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG last year, more employees than
ever before in a large-scale organisation in Tyrol switched to pub-
lic transport. This was the environmentally conscious behaviour
with which the bank’s employees won the top prize at the Tyrole-
an companies’ competition in 2015: an ÖBB regional train decked
out in the Raiffeisen look. For a whole year, it will travel 550 kilo-
metres daily on the ÖBB track network in Tyrol. This award affirms
that Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG takes the Raiffeisen principle,
which embodies regional focus and responsibility, very serious-
ly. Just how seriously is additionally demonstrated by the fact that
Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG grants all of its employees a subsi-
dy for the trip to and from work using public transport.
Honoured with the Tyrolean regional coat of arms
Since 2015, Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG has been allowed to
bear the Tyrol region’s coat of arms. The deed containing the high-
est honour for a Tyrolean commercial entity was presented by pro-
vincial governor Günther Platter as part of the traditional Advent
celebrations. In this way, the Tyrolean regional government hon-
oured Raiffeisen’s commercial and socio-economic significance
in Tyrol: Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG has existed for decades,
is commercially successful, is crisis-proof as one of Innsbruck’s
biggest non-public employers, takes on responsibility for the Ty-
rol region by embodying humanity and concern, shows a sense
of perspective as an employer – especially in the training of young
people – and promotes our region by sponsoring social, educa-
tional, sporting, artistic and cultural activities. ‘It also guarantees
investment in Tyrol because it provides funds so that the region
can enjoy further growth,’ said provincial governor Günther Platter
when he bestowed the honour.
Important sponsor of the region
Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG and the Tyrolean Raiffeisen banks
provide sponsorship for the social, cultural, sporting and youth ar-
eas with funds totalling around five million euros per year and are
an important partner for many clubs, societies and institutions. This
means that Tyrol’s largest banking group is also the biggest spon-
sor of Tyrol’s citizens. The Raiffeisen sponsorship balance sheet
illustrates Raiffeisen Banking Group Tyrol’s commitment to our
region – with Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG making a crucial con-
tribution. More than 1,000 sponsorship projects all over Tyrol can
be seen at raiffeisen.foerdert.tirol, the website set up especially for
this purpose.