Management report
Innsbruck, 22 February 2016
The management board of Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG
Reinhard Mayr
Thomas Wass
Management board chairman
Management board member
chairman on 1 April, Thomas Wass was likewise appointed unan-
imously. The three management board members are remaining
true to the proven Raiffeisen principles: personal closeness to and
close relationships with customers; responsibility with regard to
our customers and our home region; active commitment to the re-
gion; the cooperative business model and decentralised organisa-
tion; and the strength that solidarity generates.
Far-sighted strengthening of corporate culture
As well as a clear strategy, the most important factor in our sus-
tained success is our workforce. As one of Tyrol’s most attractive
employers, we attach great importance to high-quality vocational
training and ongoing education and offer individual career paths.
As regards the training of young people, we are continuing with
our successful apprenticeship programme. Quality of leadership
is particularly important to us. In a culture of open communication,
we put our faith in honest feedback, joint decision-making and a
transparently defined performance aspiration. This strengthens our
internal and external competitiveness.
We are going to continue along our chosen
Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG, the leading institution in the Raif-
feisen Banking Group Tyrol, will retain its market leadership in 2016
in conjunction with the Tyrolean Raiffeisen banks and further en-
hance its clear position as the number one in Tyrol.