Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG
Statement from the management
board chairman
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Pursuant to the quotation from the philosopher Seneca, ‘If one does not know to which port one is
sailing, no wind is favourable,’ we adjusted ourselves to a challenging year in a timely fashion. The
year 2015 showed us that our course is the right one. Despite the difficult environment and the testing
general conditions, we managed to bring the financial year to a satisfactory conclusion. Thanks to
outstanding sales successes and lower risk-related costs, we were not inconvenienced at all by the
absence of a dividend from Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG. In 2015, we were again able to en-
hance our market position and help shape both our region and the Tyrolean Raiffeisen sector. We take
our responsibility seriously as a leading institution in that sector and know that, especially in turbulent
times such as these, we must lead the way and strike a positive note. We did that very well indeed in
We are playing an innovative role in the banking sector.
To offer our customers even more than before, we set three large new sails in 2015: by launching Raif-
feisen life insurance, we became the first banking group to bring a flexible form of retirement planning
without a guaranteed interest rate onto the market. With the Raiffeisen Portfolio, comprising two var-
iants of professional asset management, we struck exactly the right chord with Tyroleans. And with
NFC technology, we turned mobile phones into wallets. As the ‘digital regional bank’, we are maintain-
ing the sales and marketing course that we have already embarked upon: we are remaining local, we
continue to put our faith in personal customer support, and at the same time we offer modern digital
options if they generate added value for our customers.
We are making a strong impact for our region and for Tyroleans.
Excellent growth in credit in the corporate customer segment, for example, enabled us to give some
sustainable impetus to the Tyrolean economy. In addition to this, we and the Tyrolean Raiffeisen banks
are promoting more than 1,000 social, educational, sporting, cultural, artistic and ecological projects in
and for Tyrol.
We shall continue to provide fresh impetus.
We are certain that we …
… continue to embody familiarity with customers, as personal relationships are crucial for us.
… attach the utmost importance to good and trustful teamwork so that we can act in concert with our
customers, partners, owners and employees.
… shall stay on our successful course by orienting ourselves systematically around our customers’
… will remain a dependable partner for Tyroleans – in line with our principle of ‘From the region – for
the region’ that has proved its worth for more than 125 years.
We thank our customers, partners and owners for their trust and for their cooperation on equal footing
and in the spirit of partnership. Special thanks go to our employees for their commitment. For it is their
dedication that constitutes the basis for our strong market position in the region. Together we shall
keep Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG on course – even in inclement weather – and continue to make a
strong, innovative and sustainable impact in and for Tyrol.
Reinhard Mayr
Thomas Wass
Management board chairman
Management board member