Annual financial statements
Notes to the balance sheet
Breakdown of maturity dates
The maturity dates of receivables from banks not maturing daily break down as follows:
Remaining term
Previous year
In euros
In thousands of euros
Up to 3 months
3 months to 1 year
1 year to 5 years
5 years or more
Remaining term
Previous year
In euros
In thousands of euros
Up to 3 months
3 months to 1 year
1 year to 5 years
5 years or more
The maturity dates of receivables from non-banks not maturing daily are classified as follows:
Pension provision
The pension provision has been calculated according to recog-
nised actuarial principles, applying the entry age normal method,
based on an actuarial interest rate of one per cent (previous year:
two per cent) using the Pagler & Pagler mortality tables (AVÖ 2008)
and taking the individual retirement age into account. No staff turn-
over deduction is made. Monetary value adjustments are allowed
for by using the real interest rate.
Provisions for redundancy payments and simi-
lar obligations
Provisions for redundancy payment obligations as of the balance
sheet date have been calculated according to principles of mathe-
matical finance, applying an interest rate of one per cent (previous
year: two per cent) and taking the individual statutory retirement
age into account. Provisions for the obligation to pay long-service
bonuses have been calculated according to principles of mathe-
matical finance in similar fashion to the redundancy payment obli-
gations. No staff turnover deduction is made. Monetary value ad-
justments are allowed for by using the real interest rate.
Other provisions
Applying the prudence principle, the other provisions take into ac-
count all discernible risks at the time of preparing these state-
ments, as well as all probable or certain liabilities of uncertain pro-
portions, for the purpose of setting aside the amounts that are
necessary in our reasonable commercial judgement.
Liabilities are recognised at the higher of their nominal value or re-
demption value.
Impact of the change in balance sheet classifi-
cation pursuant to annex 2 to section 43 of the
The amount reported in sub-item 5 was adjusted on grounds of the
FMA’s requirements in the financial year 2015 and is not compa-
rable with the previous year. In a deviation from the previous year,
in which the capital requirement was reported, the total amount of
risk was reported.
Reference to the disclosure media pursuant to
section 434 of the CRR
Pursuant to section 434 of the CRR, banks are required to disclose
information about their organisational structure, risk management
and risk capital situation at least once a year. This information is
published on the Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG website (www.