Annual financial statements
Management board’s proposed profit appro-
priation pursuant to section 96 of the Austrian
stock corporations act (AktG)
Supervisory board report
At its various meetings, the supervisory board performed the duties required of it by law and the articles of association and was regularly
informed by the management board about all significant occurrences and developments in relation to the bank during the financial
year 2015.
The annual financial statements have been assessed by the supervisory board and checked for their conformity with the duly maintained
ledgers and accounting documents. The management report presented by the management board is in conformity with the annual
financial statements. Our checks did not give any grounds to raise objections.
The supervisory board hereby concurs with the management board’s profit appropriation proposal.
Dr Michael Misslinger
Chairman of the supervisory board
The net income for the 2015 financial year came to 1,705,222.02 euros. The management board proposes distributing a dividend for the
financial year 2015 in the amount of 20.00 euros per share of the eligible share capital divided into 84,950 registered shares totalling
84,950,000.00 euros, and carrying forward the remainder of the profit to new account.
Innsbruck, 22 February 2016
Reinhard Mayr
Thomas Wass
Management board chairman
Management board member